Decaf Colombia San Lorenzo

Decaf Colombia San Lorenzo

from £9.00

Dark Chocolate / Hazelnut / Orange

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Decaf Colombia San Lorenzo 100% Arabica Speciality Grade Coffee

San Lorenzo Indigenous Coffee: A Unique Offering from Caldas

Part of the Cooperativa de Caficultores de Alto Occidente de Caldas, established in 1964, the San Lorenzo indigenous group hails from the Rio Sucio municipality in Caldas. This community of 11,500 people includes 1,150 coffee farmers spread across 21 communities. Historically, this region was controlled by FARC, ELN, paramilitary groups, and guerrillas. As tensions ease and access improves, the region's specialty coffee potential is now being realized.

Sustainable Coffee Farming Practices

The indigenous inhabitants, who revere Pacha Mama, see the land as a living being and strive to minimize their environmental impact. Each farmer cultivates around 0.5 hectares of land, maintaining approximately 2,500 coffee trees. During harvest, families collaborate to select ripe cherries, which are then de-pulped and fermented in water for 16-24 hours. The coffee is washed and dried on small patios, typically on rooftops, for 8-14 days. Once dried, it is delivered to the Cooperative for assessment, categorization, and milling before shipment.

The Sugar Cane Decaf Process

The decaffeination process starts with steaming the coffee at low pressures to remove silver skins. The beans are then moistened with hot water, preparing them for caffeine hydrolysis. Natural ethyl acetate, derived from sugar cane fermentation, washes the moistened coffee multiple times to reduce caffeine levels. The coffee is cleaned of residual ethyl acetate using low-pressure saturated steam.

Next, the beans are dried to 10-12% moisture content in vacuum drying drums and quickly cooled to ambient temperature using fans. Finally, a carnauba wax coating is applied to protect the coffee from environmental conditions and enhance stability. The coffee is then packed into 35kg bags, ready for export.

Experience the Exceptional Quality of San Lorenzo Coffee

Discover the unique flavors of San Lorenzo coffee, a testament to the dedication and sustainable practices of the indigenous farmers in Caldas. Enjoy a cup that reflects the rich heritage and meticulous care of this resilient community, now emerging as a producer of high-quality specialty coffee.

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